Hotty Michelle Rodriguez Drunk Driving Jail Time

"I kind of have to get back to my life, go back to making some money, It kind of gave me a hard hit." Ummm... yah, just glad you didn't give someone else a 'hard hit' while you were drunk driving. Rodriguez and fellow cast member Cynthia Watros were both charged with drunken driving after they were pulled over Dec. 1 in separate cars within 15 minutes of each other. Them lost stars love to drink and drive I guess.
I have to give her credit though - she surrendered herself. She said that choosing time in jail was a "personal decision." Not to fret, (God knows she isn't), as she states she isn't worried about her future on "Lost." Rodriguez recorded a blood-alcohol level of 0.145 percent, nearly twice the legal limit of 0.08. Watros had a blood-alcohol level of 0.10. When asked by a reporter if she would drink and drive again, Rodriguez replied: "That's kind of a dumb question. C'mon now."

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